Lord Of The Flies Summary Chapter 14

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Joshua 5: 13 "Neither," he replied, "but as commander of the army of the LORD I have now come." Then Joshua fell facedown to the ground in reverence, and asked him, "What message does my Lord have for his servant?" The man who says these words says that he is the ‘commander of the army of the Lord’. This is the first time that God has appeared to Joshua until now. It is amazing in the first place because the fact that the Holy Spirit came and spoke to Joshua but to come as a human for Joshua to see and notice is beyond amazing. ‘The Captain of the Lord’s host’ is what he is called in other translations. He Himself takes part in the fight. He is not like a general who, on some occasions, stays behind the army, sends his soldiers to death, and keeps his own skin whole. But our ‘general’ or ‘commander has fought, and He is fighting still. …show more content…

Christ denotes how ready he is for the defense and salvation of his people. Joshua will know whether he is a friend or a foe. As Joshua is walking around camp he looks up to see a human form holding a sword he is probably thinking ‘Is this one of the enemies that has sneaked up on me?’ So, promptly and boldly, he strides up to him with the quick question, ‘Whose side are you on? Are you one of us, or from the enemy’s camp?’ ‘I am from neither’ the strange man replies, ‘I am not on your side; you are on mine, for I am the Captain of the Lord’s army.’ Joshua falls on his face as he recognizes his Commander-in-Chief. Then he asks what it is that he needs to do ‘What message does my lord have for his