
Lorraine Hansberry's A Raisin In The Sun

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DREAMS! Dreams to be a doctor, dreams to be a business owner, dreams to own your own house. Everyone has a dream of their own. This is proven to be true in the book Raisin In The Sun by Lorraine Hansberry. The dreams of Banetha,Walter, and Mama proves that everyone has their own dreams no matter if you’re family or not. Banetha is a young woman in her mid twenties. She is a wild person with big dreams. One of those big dreams being, becoming a doctor. This is a very big dream for someone in her positions considering the obstacles she has, such as being a woman, being black, and being poor. She also has Walter telling her “go be a nurse like other women”. But she also has help to reach this dream. From her boyfriend Asagi and her mom. Asagi
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