
Lose Control Of Your Body In Tuesdays With Morrie

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“The most important thing is to enjoy your life - to be happy - it’s all that matters” (Audrey Hepburn). In the book Tuesdays with Morrie, Morrie Schwartz teaches people what it is like to die, and how that information changes the way people should live. Morrie has ALS which is a disease that slowly makes you lose control of your body because it weakens your muscles. Morrie teaches how to live life to the fullest, express emotions, and keep people close. First, Morrie teaches that living life to the fullest means that people can’t get held back by the fear of aging. Morrie thinks that people are unhappy when they think of becoming older, and if they would only devote themselves to positive things that are meaningful, they would have a better life. “If you are always battling against getting older, you’re always going to be unhappy because it’ll happen anyhow” (Albom 118-119). I agree with what Morrie is saying here because aging is going to happen whether people want it to or not so the sooner everyone accepts aging the faster they can move on and do something important with their life. When I was in elementary school I was scared to get older and go to the middle school. …show more content…

Morrie thinks that if people were to throw themselves into their emotions they would really know what each one feels like. “But by throwing yourself into these emotions, by allowing yourself to dive in, all the way, over your head even, you experience them fully and completely” (Albom 104). I disagree because people recognise how they feel because they already know what the emotion is without having to dive into it and experience it as Morrie says. Emotions are naturally what they are, no one has to think about what happiness feels like to recognise when they are happy. When I lost a pet I knew I was sad because that was how I felt. I didn’t need to stop and think about it because sadness is

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