Who Is Lucy's Fiance In Dracula

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After somewhat diagnosing Lucy 's condition, coming to the conclusion that she is losing blood, a series of blood transplants must take place. The ideal candidate would be someone who is young and strong. Lucy 's fiance, in an excited state after seeing his dying love, is quick to volunteer. The process seems to be somewhat sensual, the exchanging of one 's bodily fluid into another 's, but Author, her fiance, is pleased: “No man knows, till he experiences it, what it is to feel his own life-blood drawn away into the veins of the woman he loves” (Stoker 145). Later on, when Lucy is in need of another transplant, Van Helsing, the man in charge of the operation, hints that it might be inappropriate for someone else to transfer blood into her. Him hinting at this idea shows that the process is in fact somewhat sensual, since having someone else 's blood into her might affect her fiance. Stoker makes several references to Old English literature throughout Dracula, Hamlet is especially referenced several times. In this quote, Lucy speaks of her fear of the night and of sleep. “Well, here I am to-night, …show more content…

In her last moments, she was described as seductive and lively, characteristics seen in many vampires throughout the novel. This chapter not only shows the first actual account of a transformation into a vampire, but marks the ending of a life as well. While dying, “Her breathing grew stertorous, the mouth opened, and the pale gums, drawn back, made the teeth look longer and sharper than ever.” She spoke in a “soft, voluptuous voice, such as I had never heard from her lips:—“Arthur! Oh, my love, I am so glad you have come! Kiss me!” (Stoker 182) This kind of seduction has been seen before, when the three vampire women were in Jonathans bedroom. A transitioning Lucy is demanding sexual pleasure, unlike the previous Lucy, who, similar to the woman of the time, was repreased when it came to conveying