Summary Of The Book 'Warmth Behind The Mask'

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INTRODUCTION “ We all bear scars… mine just happen to be more visible than most.” Imagine at 18 years old you were imprisoned in a death and torture camp, would you survive? Celaena was just skin and bones when the captain of the guard offered her freedom. Celaena knew it was freedom or death but she had to pay a price, she would kill for the king, be the kings champion. As she stayed in the castle she found love, friendship, and an evil so terrible it filled the castle with demons and death. This companion book is about how love and freedom was a motivation that drove Celaena to fight till her death. Also about the difference between the way someone portrays themself to be than the way they actually are. It’s about other central themes …show more content…

As Celaena started to become familiar with him she noticed he had empathy and unlike his father he had a humane nature that Celaena loved. For example, after Dorian’s father ordered his soldiers to kill 500 Eyllwe rebels he said “ I heard about those butchered rebels, and I- I’m ashamed… He swallowed, his eyes stinging. ‘You won’t believe me. But… I don’t want to be apart of that. I can’t call myself a man when I allow my father to encourage such unforgivable atrocities.’”(Maas,2012,pg.260) This conveys the theme because he is known to be brutal but in fact he is the complete opposite. He is compassionate and cares for …show more content…

They’d stop their laughing if they knew her true name, if they knew that this ‘jewel thief’ could skin them alive without a knife” (Maas, 2012, Pg.88) She generally shows disgust towards who look down on women as tools instead of equals. They judged her because of her gender not because of her ability or skill. This is an important chapter because gender inequality is still a big issue in society. Females are generally thought to be weaker and less intelligent than males. However in this book, the female main character is courageous, intelligent and stronger than most men in Adarlan. This is important because this shows young adults to live up to their greatest potential even if people don’t believe in them. Especially young woman who aspire to do jobs society portrays as “men’s jobs.” Women can do anything they put their minds