Love and Logic was founded in 1977. It was founded by Jim Fay and Foster W. Cline, M.D.. It is a popular and practical choice among parents and educators for discipline worldwide. The book I selected Love and Logic Magic for Early Childhood Practical Parenting from Birth to Six Years was written by Jim Fay and Charles Fay, Ph.D.. Love and Logic Magic for Early Childhood Practical Parenting from Birth to Six Years helps parents to teach their children how to live with the consequences of their actions, how to avoid blaming others for their problems, and to make wise decisions. Love and Logic guides parents to do this with four basic principles; building self-concept, sharing the control, providing empathy before consequences, and to share the …show more content…
is president of the Love and Logic, Inc. He is a specialist in child, adolescent, and family psychotherapy, assessment of child and adolescent learning, emotional, and behavioral problems, classroom management techniques for extremely disturbed and disruptive children, and adolescents, consultation strategies for teacher and school improvement, and parent training methods and family therapy. Providing these strategies and solutions came from years of research and clinical experience in psychiatric hospitals, public and private school, and homes. Dr. Fay’s interest in this field came from years of early childhood exposure to experts in the field as a result of participation in training with his father, Jim Fay. ("Charles Fay, Ph.D. Biography", 2017). I agree with the authors on the concept of Love and Logic. I feel that both authors are qualified to write on this topic because of extensive experience professionally and personally. This concept can not only be beneficial to parents but to teachers also. Both authors have experience and have tested this concept in the classroom. Jim Fay raised his own children with this concept and Charles Fay shares his experience of a Love and Logic child and how it has impacted his adult life, which he shares as all positive things (like a love for his parents, being mentally connected to joy and real-life