Love Letters To Strangers Rhetorical Analysis Essay

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Rhetorical Analysis – First Draft I am writing a rhetorical analysis paper over Hannah Brencher’s TedTalk video “Love Letters to Strangers”. My audience is the younger generations in our society that are consumed with the world of technology.

Hannah Brencher, in her TedTalk video, “Love letters to strangers”, explains that despite the fact of living in a “world consumed by the age of technology” (McClure, par. 1) there are better ways to connect with society outside of using social media. Brencher founded a global organization, The World Needs More Love Letters, and shares her idea of how people can reconnect to each other by sharing love and compassion by writing a letter, as opposed to typing a tweet or updating a status. Brencher’s takes on a more serious tone, and shares sentimental stories in order to get the attention and reactions of the younger generations in today’s society. …show more content…

box” (Brencher, 0:01) because handwritten letters were the “primary source of communication with her family back home” (McClure, par. 2). Her mother, was against all forms of technology, so while most students kept in touch by “BBM-ing their parents” (Brencher, 0:07), she spent her time using paper and pen. Brencher moved to New York City after college, and found herself “sucker-punched in the face by depression” (Brencher, 0:47); in order to cope, and challenge her feelings in a more positive way, Brencher decided to start writing letters