Lower The Cost Of College Education Essay

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We NEED to lower the price of college education, so that people can live the lives that we want to live in the future without having to spend so much on something we might not even use.College education is very important and we need the price of it to lower as fast as possible.college Education shouldn't be as much as it is because people need education past high school to have a normal life, to get a job you enjoy, and to support a family.

college Education shouldn't be as much as it is because people need education past high school to have a normal life, to get a job you enjoy, and to support a family.Some may say that a minimum wage jobe would work but sources show that most interns get paid less than minimum wage and some even work for free.Many intern are paid less than minimum wage, and some even work for free.Some Interns that go to college at the same time should get paid for there work. It’s not right to not pay a worker that is struggling with college fees Minimum wage helps the poor, and makes it easier for them to support their kids.Every intern needs to be paid minimum wage so that they can have just have enough money to pay off college so that they can get an education.All interns deserve to be paid at least minimum wage no matter what because if they have families they need a way to get there education and feed there family.