Loyalty In The Pardoner's Tale

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The Middle Ages in British history were a very turbulent time, where tribes and clans turned into guilds and kingdoms. Along with the evolution of society came the evolution of language and literature. Tales strayed away from slaying beasts from far away and focused more on the life of common figures and the lessons to be learned from them. Knights were a particularly popular subject matter as were common figures that maintained a presence in society. However, the end goal in any Medieval literature was to tell a story that had a lesson to be learned; a moral. These tales and accompaniment lessons were very relevant in the time of their conception, and to this day remain relevant albeit odd in their delivery to this day. While we as a society have experienced radical change, our core values have not. Loyalty is very important in the corporate culture of today. Exhibiting loyalty in a company can help you to find yourself moving …show more content…

They were drunk, and went out to kill Death. This is the premise of “The Pardoner’s Tale”. An old man tells these men“if it be your design To find out Death, turn up this...I left him there today Under a tree” (Pardoner’s tale, lines 159-62). This, as it turned out, was really money, which represents greed. By the end of the story, all three men are dead from fighting over this money, leaving a pardoner yelling “Only a groat. Come on, unbuckle your purse!” (Pardoner’s tale, line 340), trying to convince people to pay for their passage to heaven. What is conveyed in this tale is that greed can create a vicious cycle of ruthlessness. All of those men went from friends to foe, and killed without the blink of an eye. The pardoner is seen monetizing death, both demonstrating that greed turns people then as it does today. Epi-pens are at a premium not because they are difficult to manufacture, but because there is more money to be made. Greed turns the good to evil, and it must be kept in