
Luara Ferracioli's Challenging The Burqa Ban

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Luara Ferracioli, following the successful campaign to have the Burqa and Niqab banned in France, outlines the importance of the role of ‘multiculturalism’. In her article, “Challenging the Burqa Ban” (2013), Ferracioli identifies how important it is to accept and respect one’s differences in cultures in order to feel belonged. This is only truly visible under the context to which people stay true to their individuality. Therefore, because multiculturalism is supposed to embrace on equality amongst all citizens, why does France prohibit the use of Niqabs for Muslim women? In another article by Will Kymlicka “Multiculturalism: Success, Failure and the Future”, he succinctly summarizes multiculturalism as a successful policy where everyone is

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