Lucas V. Woodford 13 Reasons Why

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Faith, Hope, and Love A Threefold Response to “13 Reasons Why” By Lucas V. Woodford. It’s in response to the Netflix’s 13 Episode miniseries of “13 Reasons Why” a high school teenage girl commits suicide. This is a miniseries is on a girl named Hannah Baker who commits suicide after being bullied by her classmates and friends. Hannah before committing suicide records 13 tapes which are the 13 reasons that lead her to commit suicide. Woodford analysis the 13 Episode Netflix series. Overviewing and answering in a Christian perspective the reasons why a person would commit suicide. Searching for the answers what could lead to a person to make a final decision to end her life. He defines what are the meaning of having a Christian life of faith, hope and Love. As he wraps it around on answering the “13 Reasons Why” a person like …show more content…

Such, as that he compares suicidal being as equal as someone committing several sins prior to dying in a car accident. Since the main characteristic of God’s unforgiveness sin is repent, this complies as well. Though, this perception delivers credibility, its dangerous to introduce uncertainty. It could also lead to a danger of someone’s own interpretation. Being that this is an answer of a popular Netflix miniseries targeting a popular crow such as High School teenagers. Set alone with all the physical and emotional chemistry teenagers normally deal with. Sometimes they could also be starving for attention as this could a perfect target. So the danger of it, it would instead of benefiting from the real substance or the real message Woodford is portraying. Such us like understanding the beauty of life and relationship with God by comforting with the sense of not feeling alone. Instead this could a sign of motivator since there are no irreversible consequences to this sin which is condemned to go to