Lucid Dreaming Research Paper

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According to Coppelia Kahn women experience inequality in the traditional family setting of being the primary caretaker of the children during their pre-Oedipal stage of development (1985/2004). It is in this stage that Nancy Chodorow argues females suffer from a prolonged attachment to the mother in distinct ways which boys do not experience (1978/2004). In this stage also, according to both Kahn and Chodorow, that females have difficulty forming an identity distinctly independent of their mother and her identity. Women then may reach adulthood using various coping mechanisms including Freudian repression in distinct ways from boys which corresponds to the different pre-Oedipal experiences. Lucid dreaming, described by Stephen …show more content…

According to LaBerge, consciousness is contested for by dreaming and dreaming by lucid dreaming, and there remain, “varieties of dreaming consciousness accompanying REM sleep.” In this essay “dreaming consciousness” since it is varied and thus not a mere replica of waking consciousness and the sources of its variation remain unexplained so as to suggest the possibility of what is usually part of the unconsciousness being a factor in determining the variations of “dreaming