Manufactured Addiction Essay

1584 Words7 Pages

Maximus Gorman
February 9th, 2023
Mr. Barton, Honors English III Period 9

Manufactured Addiction: The Dark Side to Fast Food

Fast food has become a staple in modern society, offering convenience and quick meals for anyone on the go. However, this major success can relate to the manipulative tactics used by fast food corporations to create addiction in their customers. From persuasive advertising to price manipulation, fast food companies employ a variety of strategies to keep customers coming back for more, and capitalize on inherent addictiveness. The result of this addiction is a wide range of negative health effects that hurt customers and society as a whole.
Addiction is a growing problem that affects people from all walks of life. It can manifest in various forms, including drug and alcohol abuse, gambling, technology, and food addiction. While addiction can have several causes, such as psychological, environmental, and social factors, self-esteem is one of the key psychological factors that plays a role in the development of addiction. Self esteem is the confidence in one's own worth or abilities.people that have low self-esteem often turn to addictive behaviors as a way to cope with negative emotions (Hamid Reza Alavi). However, relying on physical substances can have an even more damaging effect on self-esteem, causing additional negative …show more content…

Social and environmental factors play a crucial role in causing addiction. For instance, people can develop subcultures that have their own shared values, beliefs, and customs relating to addiction (Drug Cultures). These subcultures can also differ based on factors such as ethnicity, race, location, and the specific substance being used. Making it possible for someone in a certain subculture to view fast food addiction in a much less serious sense, allowing for people to go so far as to make it too late for them to get the help that they

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