Luke's Life After Resurrection

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After reading the bible, all of the stories regarding Mark, Luke and John and Mathew go together like socks and shoes. When a person reads these stories, the reader is able to get a better insight of what happened to Jesus Christ. After reading the entire chapters of the Gospel of Luke, I can confirm that Luke is the only writer out of Mark, John and Mathew to discuss the events that transpired after the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. While reading, I learned that Luke tells the conveying story about Jesus Christ and the thirty years following his resurrection. The purpose of Luke recording was to point out the salvation that was being brought in the world. Many of Jesus’s followers wanted to gain a better understanding about the evolution of Jesus’s kingdom and how Mark, …show more content…

In the beginning of Luke’s Gospel, he states the following words, “I will begin to talk about what Jesus began to do and teach until the day he went to heaven” (186) This quote means a lot because it emphasizes that majority of Luke’s story is going to discuss, the teachings that Jesus does after he went to see his heavily father. From here it is safe to say that majority of Jesus work is done through his spirit and his spirit is used to guide his followers to the way of life. From there, I learned that Jesus uses his gifts to make the world a better place, he provides abundance to the church, and he also is giving control to his followers. This statement allows his admirers to bring redemption into the world. However, the admirable, thing is that while Jesus was on earth, primary his teaching was in Jerusalem. Now that Jesus is in spirit, he works is able to spread across the world and change others. I think that while, reading the Gospel, of Luke, I have learned that if it was not for Luke telling his story, Jesus’ followers, will not have a better understanding of the life passed the