Luzan Gordon: Why People Become Homeless

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Here is a story about a man named Luzan Gordon. Luzan Gordon is 61 years old; he is a former immigrant from Jamaican. He came to this country about 25 years ago. Although, Luzan has been in this country for 25 years, he always had a hard time finding a job, because of these circumstances Luzan, started to head in the wrong path which leads him to a drug addiction and homelessness. Luzan had a few family members in America who cared about him and always tried to help him out; however, he refuses to receive any help from them. In April in the year of 2015, Luzan passed away, and unfortunately, it took his family two months to find out the new. Luzan Gordon was my uncle. After my uncle passed away, I was devastated, not because it was an unexpected death, but because I felt that my family and I should have tried hard enough to help him out. However, his death inspired me to devote my time and help others that face similar circumstances. …show more content…

The main reason why people experience being homelessness is because they cannot find affordable houses. Homeless individuals are more prevalent in urban areas. Statics have shown there are about more than 643,067 people in the United States that are homeless; 238,110 of those people are in families and 12%, which is about 77,168 of those people are veterans. These numbers come from a point in time count, which is conducted by each community, in a single night in January every other year. Although the relationship between addiction and homelessness is a complex controversy topic, people who are poor and addicted are clearly at increased risk of homelessness. However, there are homeless shelters out here that are willing to provide the help that these individual need. Camillus House is one of the homeless shelters in Miami FL, which I choose to volunteer my time to help those in need. Camillus House provides each individual