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Rhetorical Strategies in Louv’s “Last Child in the Woods” People that are fixated on the pale blue glow of the electronic screen while in public or in the company of others are now a commonplace occurrence. Even if a person kept their phone in their pocket, there is no getting away from the flashing images. Public TV screens are everywhere from the gas station pump, the grocery store line, the doctor's office, amusement parks, and facing every table at restaurants. Humans are uniquely prone to getting drawn in and captivated inside the virtual electronic world.
Jessi Mann stood in front of her floor-to-ceiling mirror, brushing her long brown hair while she listened to the pop music emitting from her stereo. She had the same routine each morning: get up, eat, prepare for school, and listen to the radio so that she was caught up on all the news from the past twenty-four hours. Only, today was different. The reporter came on for the two-minute newscast with a statement that shocked Jessi to the core.
In the article, “What Monkeys Eat: A Few Thoughts About Pop Culture Writing” Linda Holmes is trying to explain that we should focus the study of pop culture from what we ought to watch, read, or listen to, to what we actually watch, read, or listen to. What we take in to entertain ourselves is what drives the conversations we have on a daily basis. “What monkeys eat” is referring to us as the monkeys, and what we eat to our forms of entertainment. The shows we watch an the celebrities we follow are all what “we eat.” These influential factors are what we mostly write about, instead of the more important topics such as, war or how the economy will look in the future.
The Overuse of Television Kameron G Loyd BYU-Idaho During an average week, how much television does the average child watch? Parents, educators, and concerned citizens alike would be appalled at the answer of 1,480 minutes (BLS American Time Use Survey, A.C. Nielsen Co.). They would also be revolted by the statistic that 54% of four to six year olds would rather spend time watching television instead of spending time with their fathers (BLS American Time Use Survey, A.C. Nielsen Co.). In 1984, Neil Postman saw how devastating television watching was becoming to the culture of America, and gave a speech to the literary community at the 1984 Frankfort Germany Book Fair entitled “Amusing Ourselves to Death” which deals directly with this monolithic issue. Although the speech and subsequent article, published in Et Cetra, were directed at the publishers, writers, illustrators, etc., all those who read this article can also benefit from Postman’s overarching desire to decrease the hours of mind-numbing television watching.
Every commercial and television should be apt for children and adolescent to enjoy. To demonstrate, An Article from the USA today, named “Social media helps fuel some eating disorders,” Marcela Rojas exposed the gravity of social media users communities where they trade knowledge and photographs and communities form over common interests, has become a bastion for some struggling with eating disorders. Donna, suffer from bulimia, from age 12 to 25, and had faced its excruciating
A Rhetorical analysis of “Generation Velcro” In “Generation Velcro,” Dorothy Woodend discusses the lack of basic skills and knowledge that is being passed down from generation to generation, and how this could be a fundamental problem for both generation Y and the future of planet earth. Woodend, setting the tone for her article, asks the question, “[i]s this generation heading into a coming dark age with little more than the ability to update their Facebook statuses and watch YouTube, all with laces untied?” (par. 7). She contends that “[t]he inability to concentrate in a world of competing bits of information and constant multitasking have led to brains that can no longer keep up,” implying that this problem of concentration is inhibiting this newest generation’s ability to learn the skills necessary to sustain our world properly (par. 12).
With the mass amount of entertainment and media that gets shoved in our faces on a daily basis, it can be a difficult task to look between the lines and see what’s really going on. While many of our favorite shows, movies, and books seem like light entertainment, they often carry hidden messages meant to sway us into a particular worldview. Blackmail in A Midsummer Night’s Dream, drug abuse and promiscuity in Scooby Doo, and mistrust and paranoia in If You Give A Mouse A Cookie are just a few examples of why we need to be consciously aware of what media is trying to tell us. William Shakespeare 's A Midsummer Night’s Dream shows us that he thought slavery was okay.
Starting from the latest Samsung phones to the always trending Apple products, technology has changed our lives. In the fictional book Feed by M.T. Anderson, it was obviously shown that people couldn't connect with each other anymore. The characters in Feed have gotten so used to having technology that they don’t know how to be there emotionally for someone when they are feeling sad. This was shown when Violet finally came out to being sick. In fact, Titus, the main character, not fully understanding the situation, does everything you aren’t supposed to do to be there for someone.
In The Essay “The News” Neil Postman demonstrates the problems with News on TV and the Psychology behind it of why our society continues to watch. Postman displayed many points that becuase television news is must appeal to everyone in a short amount of time; the coverage is often shallow and gives a false impression of the world. Neil Postman describes the time restrictions of (22 mins) because of commercials overtaking the news. This reflects “The News” as we know it to become a big piece of entertainment that has nothing to do with the intellectual information that affects our lives. The lack of in-depth look on News nowadays draws an Appearance vs. Reality that the News isn’t what It should be.
The main objectives in chapter 9 include the ways media attempt to influence people’s attitudes, beliefs, and/or behavior, ways media technology can be disruptive and have adverse effects on behavior, the positive and negative influences of certain kinds of media, such as advertisements or reality television programs, on self-image. Even though media is a great outlet, media has changed our generation causing effects on self-image and human interactions. Because of its pervasiveness in American culture, the media affects people in both obvious and subtle ways. Modern media comes in many different formats, including newspapers, magazines, television, social media, etc.
The article “Mind Over Mass Media”, written by Professor Steven Pinker, describes the impact of media on human lives and brains. Pinker illustrates the benefits people gain from using the worlds quickly increasing technology and media. Pinker suggests that today’s technology such as, PowerPoint, Google, and other forms of social media can actually enhance and bring more intelligence to the mind, instead of being detrimental. Critics believe that the many different forms of media can lower intelligence. However, Pinker declares that scientists are using all of this technology everyone else is using, and are still discovering new things.
Neil Postman in Chapter 1 of "Amusing Ourselves to Death" aims to show how the television can manipulate a person 's decision in politics, religion, education and turn those into entertainment. Even today Postman’s ideeas stand strong and it is true that if an information is entertaining the viewer will not look at the autenticity or what the origins of it are. Probably as expected, the more the technology advances, the more the manipulation from the television is taking place. This is done by: changing how people think, making their brain numb by not allowing them to have an opinion and interfering in their family life and in people decision-making process. The only way to save ouselves from living under the control of the television is simply
Narrator: ... Consumers? Tyler Durden: Right. We are consumers. We 're the by-products of a lifestyle obsession.
In the past few years humans have spent much more time indoors with their technology than outdoors. Televisions, computers, and smartphones tend to draw greater numbers of people inside their homes, just as humans did in the futuristic world of Leonard Mead where no one left their homes at night. (“The Pedestrian”). Children especially have been infected with the media bug, much like Peter and Wendy, who are unable to stray away from their virtual reality in “The Veldt”. It is understandable that many-particularly older- people believe that technology is affecting how human naturally interact with each other and their surroundings.
Technology Convergence The term “Technology Convergence” refers to the evolution of technology. It is the transition where new and old media collide. It is a process where technological devices share or borrows features of other products to acquire multi functionality. Past technologies were only designed to handle minority tasks.