Macbeth Ambition Research Paper

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Ambition is a trait that is defined as a strong desire to do or achieve something, typically requiring determination and hard work. The trait can easily be seen as negative or positive producing different positive and negative outcomes. In relation to Macbeth it is clear that ambition is more likely to produce negative outcome therefore making it a negative trait. But on the other hand being ambitious can be positive and lead to success through personal effort. In the play Macbeth it is certain that Macbeth is driven by a negative form of ambition. In the beginning of the play Shakespeare presents Macbeth as a ethical thane who stands for his country. As the story moves on though he develops an ambitious trait which guides him to use his power to become king and establish his rule. A good example of this is the first murder Macbeth is responsible for “I have done the deed” (2.2 14). This shows how he has made his mind up and become ambitious for the thirst of power. From “The …show more content…

“The Science of Ambition: Why Some People are Most Likely to Succeed” article provides great examples of how ambition works and how it affects success. A story of two brothers who come from wealth but are eventually cut off by the parents so they turn a modest health club into a “luxury facility where private trainers could reserve space for top-dollar clients. It is clear that the two brothers are different and have a drive for success, this is ambition at its finest. Their main difference is that they are not “content to accept whatever life gives them” so these two go out of their way to be different. The poem “Ambition” puts forth the idea that a man with ambition has endless possibilities. The author is uncertain of what his ambition can bring so he asks questions like “Shall I, in time to come, be great and famed?” Ambition has endless possibilities and should be used for positivity not