Macbeth Fair Quotes

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Imagine living a life, but being unable to differentiate god actions from bad actions, just like that of 11th century Scotland in William Shakespeare’s world renowned, classic tragedy, the play, Macbeth. Through the course of the play, order is cast aside, chaos ensues and nobody can justify what thoughts and actions are fair and which are foul. For Macbeth, the king’s most brave and valiant warrior, his mind becomes clouded with greed and ambition, what he sees as fair is actually foul, he just doesn’t realize because the order of society has been discast. The inability for the characters to distinguish right from wrong, in addition to the social disorder “that takes the reason prisoner” (Shakespeare I.iii.88), are what lead to the …show more content…

By this point, fair and foul are nearly identical, no one knows what is going on.

After Macbeth’s bloody deed against Duncan, those close to him are suspicious, especially when he is chosen to be king when Malcolm flees Scotland out of fear. “Thou hast it now- king, Cawdor, Glamis, all As the Weird Women promised, and I fear Thou played’st most foully for’t” (III.i.1-3). Confusion and chaos are finally getting cozy among the Scottish citizens.
Thanes Macduff and Ross try to make sense of everything, with the wistful knowledge of an old man. “God’s benison go with you and those That would make good of bad and friends of foes”
(II.iv.55-56). This marks the beginning of the end to “fair is foul, and foul is fair” (I.i.12)

In the end, Macbeth’s ambition and lack of control over his thoughts are what leads him to his tragic end. The audience saw how one foul deed on Macbeth’s part inadvertently started his slow, but inevitable downfall. Those suspicious of Macbeth saw through the web of chaos and deceit. Macduff, out of vengeance for his family, slaughtered by Macbeth’s orders, slayed the betrayer [Macbeth] and restored order, by bringing back the rightful king,

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