
Macbeth Research Paper

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Macbeth, one of Shakespeare's plays, uses tragedy to make the play a little more exciting, in the book macbeth there are many incidents that take place in the play which proves it to be a tragic play! There is the killing of King Duncan, who is killed by Macbeth after being threatened by his wife! There is the murder of banquo, which is set up by Macbeth but done by the murders. Then there is the murder of Macduff's wife and son, which is also done by Macbeth, these killings throughout the play are what make Macbeth a tragic story! The first tragic murder in the play was the death of King Duncan ruler of Scotland and respected by everyone there. He was a good leader and was respected by other kingdoms, he was also good to Macbeth he even …show more content…

He was a good friend of Macbeth and they even went through the prophecies with the witches and Banquo didn't think anything about it but Macbeth wonder if it would come true “But ‘tis is strange. And oftentimes, to win us to our harm, The instruments of darkness tell us truths, Win us with honest trifles to betray's in deepest consequence” 1.3 pg 23 . was an innocent person that didn't do anything wrong whatsoever, he was kind to everyone and even respected Macbeth after realizing that Macbeth killed King Duncan, but still stayed loyal to him because he is king and you respect them no matter what! The death of Banquo was done by the three murders but Macbeth ordered it, because he knows that he is suspicious that he killed Duncan. Also Banquo was promised by the witches that his sons would be kings and they would get in Macbeth's way because he didn't have …show more content…

As Macbeth becomes more cruel he becomes obsessed with eliminating any threats to his power! After realizing that Macduff has fled, instead they find his wife and son there. They kill Macduff's family in part to eliminate the threat to Macbeth's power, but also sends a message to Macduff that he does not fear him! Later when Macduff tries to get back at Macbeth, realizes that he has no children that he can kill, so he must kill him to insure that it will be his last

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