
Macbeth's Heroic Monster

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Heroic Monster
Macbeth is a cowardly monster who has control over his own abilities. Lady Macbeth,
Macbeth’s wife, tried persuading Macbeth to murder Duncan, the king of Scotland, by calling out Macbeth's masculinity. She tried reverse psychosis in order to trick Macbeth into murdering
Duncan to claim the throne. But Macbeth is smart and thought ahead about what the possible outcomes of him murdering Duncan were. He knew it would take a lot off his shoulders with
Duncan being dead, but Duncan's sons would soon rise up to be king after Macbeth's departure from life. Macbeth understands that if he murders Duncan, a chain reaction will happen, and will soon come back to Macbeth in the shape of karma.
Although Lady Macbeth is encouraging Macbeth …show more content…

Once the two chamberlains were tried as guilty, Lady Macbeth and Macbeth would get away with the murder, and would soon cease the throne. I consider Macbeth a
“monster” rather than a “tragic hero” because Duncan had earned
Dominic Piunti
Mr. Moorhouse
English 10
After Macbeth was successful in murdering Duncan and getting away with it, he soon realized Duncan's sons would immediately be crowned king. Macbeth decided to now go after the sons of Duncan, hoping to murder them, take the crown and rule the village. “Duncan’s sons
Malcolm and Donalbain flee to England and Ireland, respectively, fearing that whoever killed
Duncan desires their demise as well,” (Summary 1). Since Duncan's two sons have fled and vanished from site, Macbeth thought that he was now safe. Now a big argument was that many thought Macbeth may be the victim because of the powerful influences which “forced” him to commit these horrible crimes. As stated, “You can't influence someone to become a monster, but it still happens to Macbeth. He may not have been a monster to start with, as shown by the opinions of him throughout Scotland, but as the play progresses he becomes worse and …show more content…

This showed Macbeth had full control over his actions, and did not have to commit these numerous murders in order to claim the throne. What he could have done was study the king’s strategies and learn to use them. Then he can possibly earn the crown rather than taking it in such brutal and cowardly ways.
Macbeth's greatest influence on committing these crimes was how Lady Macbeth always judged his masculinity, but the three witches also had a great effect on Macbeth's decisions.
Many thought Macbeth was actually an innocent victim, and only carried out these actions because of all his influences. “Macbeth, despite influences of the witches and Lady Macbeth, is responsible for his downfall. In Shakespeare’s play Macbeth, Macbeth is a tragic hero who
Dominic Piunti
Mr. Moorhouse
English 10 destroys himself by his own wicked and selfish ambitions,” (Study Notes 1). This quote backs up my statement on how Macbeth did not have to commit these crimes, and that he could have ignored all those negative influences. If Macbeth would have ignored Lady Macbeth and

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