Machiavelli And Nietzsche's The Qualities Of The Prince

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We think that we are free but are we really free? No! We all are ruled by one thing or other either its religion or politicians or Prince. Different Philosophers on their different writings explains their different thoughts and different points. One of the philosophers explains how people’s passions and freedom are ruled by so called practices and is against the morals created by religion and political powers which limits and manipulates human to do what they want to do. Whereas on the other hand another philosopher teaches/explain how to rule and keep the political control and also explains that life will never be the way we want it to be and we have to accept it. “Morality as anti nature” by Friedrich Nietzsche and “The Qualities of the Prince” …show more content…

In his writing he teaches to be a good leader. “A prince ought to have no other aim or thought, nor select anything else for his study, than war and its rules and discipline.” (Machiavelli, Chapter XIV) The only thing a Prince or a leader should focus is about the war and its rules and discipline. A prince should always think about war even in peace so that he can make a pre plan to face his enemies. Machiavelli was very interested in how to maintain power for the ruler but paid less attention to the morality of a ruler’s action than to the consequences of those …show more content…

A prince or a leader should always be respected that is why he should keep all the good and popular tasks for himself and give the difficult or a bad task to other. Machiavelli gives an example about Cesare Borgia who had to bring one of his region under control so he sends one of his soldiers and tells him to use all the force and bring that region under control. He was successful on that but the fellow citizens were angry after going through that much of cruelty so to be good Borgia cut that soldier in half and threw onto the city square blaming everything on him. He did this because he knew a prince should not be hated because if hate arises in the heart of the fellow citizens then a prince can’t rule and they will turn against