Machu Picchu Peru Research Paper

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Peru is a beautiful country rich in history, growing up I visited Peru during the summer and being that I am half Peruvian I have a basic knowledge of who my ancestors were. I was always fascinated by the Inca culture and history, I even visited Machu Picchu when I was sixteen years old. Like many people I wanted to see the ruins, which was once named the “Golden City”, and I wanted to hear the myths and tales I was told as a child by my grandparents. One of the tales I did hear was that the Inca’s believed in human sacrifice and they even gave us a tour of a cave located in Machu Picchu where the bodies were taken for death, once dead the bodies were given to the Gods as a sign of gratitude.
After taking this tour I became more curious about the Inca culture and even purchased a book including pictures of Machu Picchu and Inca artifacts. For this research paper I will write about the Inca culture regarding their beliefs and perception on the after life.
The Incas were known to be the largest and most powerful …show more content…

My religion does not require human sacrifice, however cherishes the sacrifice the Lord made for us his people. The Incas believed that they had to make a human sacrifice to please their God. Also In my religion there is only One God and Son, we do not believe in multiple Gods like the Incas believed in. Also we have a bible the Incas only left artifacts such as sculptures and temples. We do however believe in a heaven and hell, we also believe that good spirits will go to heaven while bad spirits go to hell. Overall I do not see many similarities but I do respect their beliefs and find it to be very interesting, Machu Picchu is breath taking and I hope to return one day, I also hope to learn more about my ancestors in hopes of passing these stories to my children. Although I am Catholic I believe it’s important to have an open mind regarding other cultures and