Francis Macomber In The Story Of An Hour By Ernest Hemingway

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Point of view
The point of view of the main character which was Francis Macomber which was the husband of Margaret Macomber. The idea of the story was about the life of two married couple that had a beautiful life, because they had everything that they wanted in their life. They were known as the rich people in the story.
The story takes place in a safari in which they explore the beautiful place and stay there for a vacation moment. They go on a safari exploring all the animals in it. Which at first Macomber is afraid of the things around him, by all the animals that live there and is scared of shooting animals that are there, even …show more content…

This is what I think that happened to her since the beginning of the story it didn’t show so much love for each other even thou they had everything they could have wished for. It is said in the story that Hemingway thought a lot of times that his wife wasn’t happy for what he was doing even thou he had over his fears.
Macomber had realize that his wife had slept with the safari guide that they had. Even thou Macomber saw this things that happened he never said anything or do anything to his wife it is like he never saw anything or do anything about that event that happened.
After that occurred the time together went to a beautiful life to a awkward situation with everyone together. Macomber was so proud about himself and kept doing the things that he loved doing. With any distraction of his wife he always did the same thing over and over