
Macrae's 'A Ticking Time Bomb'

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In the pursue of my peek into journalism, my thoughts were homed in by a rather oppressive article written by none other than yourself. Whilst taking a careful analytical read at your piece my concerns were repeatedly raised by your apparent ignorance into todays youth. In the context of this letter I will be inquisitively accessing the fallaciously wrote “ ‘A Ticking Time Bomb’ : Teenage girls’ junk food diets are harmful” .

You promptly begin to attack and group teenagers alongside a un healthy trait by saying “A typical teenager probably thinks nothing of a diet packed with pizza,sweets and sugary drinks” by saying “A typical teenager” you jokingly label young adults, without realising how stereotypical you come across as a daily mail …show more content…

“At the same time they shun fruit,vegetables and oily fish” some readers can accept and understand the statement “ They shun fruit and vegetables” because it is admittedly partially true. However “oily fish” should have never even been accepted to be included in this biased statement, of course teenagers alienate “oily fish” because there isn't much media based knowledge to educate themselves on food like that, there are only masses of presumptive articles blasting them on what they eat! Maybe if Macrae thought about what she writes and actually starts to write knowledge based articles aimed at teens there wouldn't be such a confusion for teenagers to fit the publics view of the “perfect” teen. The writer goes on to list a handful of aspects of a diet she reckons a half of teenage girls are low in, for example “ selenium” and “liver” while its clear she has a strong understanding of foods and there medicall advantages. She fails to realistically recognize how many teenage girls could remember to consume those nutrients every now and then. Which does spring up the doubt if Macrae managed to keep such a detailed diet in her younger days?

Slightly reflective towards her last point. Macare claims “one in ten girls is dangerously low in calcium” she deviates from her main topic clearly aimed at junk food, by conveying about calcium which is found in milk; a liquid I …show more content…

Expectedly you refuse to even try and voice good thoughts on boys. You acknowledge that teenage boys need zinc to produce hormones like sperm and helps them heal after exercise. however isn't it zinc that is found in burgers ? That could not harm teenage boy. So if it is eaten every once in a while,they would still receive the protein there bodies need and furthermore the carbohydrates which are important in a “teenage boys diet”. You again proclaim “researchers believe teenagers” diets are particularly bad” what diets are you looking at exactly here? The diets which only consist of vegetables and fruits? Or are you refering at diets that only contain pizzas,sweets and sugary drinks? Coming across unclear and unreliable will only make the reader question your motives with this article as them resource you continue to back your points on teenage diets is rather superficial, it makes it seem as if nothing teenagers eat will be ever acceptable for the writer. Undeniably stereotyping is the last thing we should accept from a writer like you as repeatedly during your article you generalise all teenagers, which portrays them as corrupt individuals, it seems as if you can’t

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