Madness Vs Insanity

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The feelings of being worried and stressed are never helpful or pleasant, and they can cause many inconveniences. Although; for some people those feelings are a constant extreme in their everyday life; never having an escape, never feeling free, never feeling happy, never being able to avoid that crippling pressure that fear installs on them. People with anxiety disorders have a life that is fully surrounded by a bubble of fear that they have no control over. According to the anxiety and depression association of america, ⅕ of all people struggle with an anxiety disorder at some point in their life, yet not Many people even know what an anxiety disorder is(facts and statistics).It is extremely important to talk about anxiety because it will help people who struggle with it be diagnosed easier and it will help rid the world of the bad terms that …show more content…

In an essay over the topic, Dr. Cornwall explains that human emotional suffering can lead to madness or insanity. Although, not many people would enjoy hearing the words,”you've gone insane,” come from someone that they trust to help them. The National institute of mental health rightly argues that mental illness is more than just a sugar coated way to say insane(Brain basics). After years studying about mental illness in the brain, the institute as well as many other doctors found that a mental disease is the same as a brain disease. As the brain changes and grows, so does the mentally of an individual, therefore forming mental illness. Considering the fact that anxiety disorders are a very common yet very unknown type of mental illness, people should talk about them in the same way as physical illnesses. After all, as a body grows and changes it develops disease, so does the brain, so there is no true