Magazine Representation-'Teen Vogue'

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magazine representation – teen vogue

Teen Vogue magazine is one of the best selling teenage magazines that girls in America buy. A typical magazine focused on the latest celebrity gossip, fashion style and of course beauty. Here are two images of the front cover, the left one with Selena Gomez and the other one Chloe Grace Moretz. Both of these two girls are very famous and most teenage girls adore. But we see that they have definitely been photoshopped and a lot of makeup has been added. Their skin is very clear with no blemishes what so ever. All their features are what most teenage girls want. They both seem to be wearing very feminine clothing, we see Selena wearing red sleeves with pink hearts all over them making her look very innocent. …show more content…

Some magazines have photos which haven’t been retouched, this means we can see and relate to that person without thinly badly of ourself. But when they give us pointers on how to wear makeup with tutorials or how to dress for your first date, it represents girls as not being able to do anything for ourselves. It teaches us that we should be doing what others tell us to, we shouldn’t make any decisions on ourselves because they’re probably wrong. We should be doing what they say in the magazine because everyone else is doing it too, so we will look cool, we will fit in, we will look like our celebrity …show more content…

They see the models in the magazine and think to themselves that they want to be that skinny and tall but in fact today’s fashion models weigh 23% less than the average female, and a young woman between the ages of 18-34 has a 7% chance of being as slim as a catwalk model and a 1% chance of being as thin as a supermodel. However, 69% of girls in one study said that magazine models influence their idea of the perfect body shape. Magazines are very good at promoting companies products, we see Selena’s perfect face and her defined eyebrows and her fierce eyes. Girls want to look like this, so they buy the magazine to find out what products made these girls look so flawless. Girls will now go out and buy these products that the magazine promotes which makes us believe that we will have a glowing face just like our idols. We are told that the clothes that they wear because they are fashionable, expensive and everyone wears them. Teenage girls need to be more confident about ourselves, we need to stand out. Magazines like these put others who don’t want to fit in and be themselves down, as they tell us what we should wear and what we