Magwitch Chapter 1

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Erick Mendez Pips left arm was burned up to his shoulder, and his right shoulder too but could move his fingers.This occurred when he was saving Miss Havisham. He was dressed three or twice a day. Everyday, Herbert visits and helps Pip dress and change his bandages. When Pip was away, Magwitch told a story to herbert. He told Herbert that he married a crazy woman who killed a woman because she was jealous of her. She also terrorized to kill their daughter. After being sent to jail for all of her crimes, Magwitch never told the police or hunt her down. Compeyson knew about this anecdote and threatened Magwitch Magwitch into submission. Pip was caught by a another convict to learn the truth. He went to pass by Jagers and put him in awe when …show more content…

Wemmick delivers a message saying that they are moving Magwitch in two days. Then, Pip finds a note terizing Uncle Provis. It also said that he needs to travel by himself to the marshes. Pip travels to the inn where he grew up as a child. He remembers how bad of a friendship he had with Joe since he turned into a gentleman. Pip regrets being rude to Joe. That night he departure from the inn to the marshes. Pip is traveling there and he is surrounded by fog. He enters an abandoned place and his candlelight died out. He hears a voice threatening him if he yells. Then, Orlick appears. Orlick blames Pip that he was between him and a girl who he had feelings for, and he tells Pip he was responsible for the death Of Mrs. Joe. Pip worries that he will die and nobody will remember him. Orlick also says that he had something to do with Compeyson and solving a mystery case of Magwitch, Also, he was the shadow person on Pip’s stairwell. Orlick takes his hammer and gets closer to Pip. Then, Pip yells and Herbert comes in along with other men to save him. Orlick escapes the crowd of men. Pip and Herbert go home, so they can help Magwitch escape. In the morning, Pip, Magwitch, and herbert put their …show more content…

With no money, he informs his landlord that he will be leaving shortly. He was supposed to be in jail, but his health managed to keep him out of jail. He experiences multiple hallucinations. As Pip is slowly recovering, Joe, he is not hallucinating, tells him in the news from home. Miss Havisham passed away. Orlick robbed Pumblechook, but was caught and put into jail. Additionally, Biddy helped Joe to read and write. Pip and Joe go out on a sunday. Pip was going to tell Joe about Magwitch, but declined to listen to him because he already had enough painful memories. Joe feels uncomfortable living in London. One morning, Pip wakes up and Joe is missing. Before he leaves, he pays back all of Pip’s bills. Pip tries to reinforce their friendship with Joe at home. He decides to marry biddy when she arrives at their home. When they return to their original home, they find Satis’ house for auction. Pumblechook treats Pip nicely, but Pip leaves to find Biddy and Joe. When Pip finds both of them, he finds out that they have been married. He is happy for them and decides to take herber’s job offer. Eleven years has passed, Pip discovered to work hard and to be happy with the stuff you have. Pip goes to satis’ house, but the