Mahatma Gandhi Nonviolence

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Nonviolence is a good, peaceful way to solve a problem. Violence is a terrible, horrible way of solving a problem. Sadly, many people think violence is the only way of solving certain problems. Many great heroes have succeeded with nonviolence. Mahatma Gandhi was one of those heroes. Gandhi’s whole life was devoted to giving independence to India. Gandhi’s ,Communication, nonviolent tactics, and his commitment to Indian independence, is what made his movement work. One of the Gandhi’s many nonviolent tactics was to write a letter to Lord Irwin stating his and his followers’ intentions for the future. In March, 1930, Gandhi wrote a letter to Lauran Erwin telling him what the Indians were planning. Gandhi warned Lord Irwin about what he in the …show more content…

These people are very strong believers of nonviolent solutions and independence for India. Even after Gandhi is not with them anymore they still refuse to resisted to being beaten and refused to raise any hand to ward off blows. thousands of people called Gandhi’s men were on a march to prove to the British that they wanted independence, and that they would not give up for it. So many people all over the world support Gandhi; they thought that he was such a great man fighting for what he thought was right, Indian independence from Great Britain. “Gandhi’s body is in jail. But his soul is with you. Indians prestige is in your hands. You must not use violence under any circumstance.” This is coming from an Indian woman talking to the rest of Gandhi’s followers. This shows just how much they really supported Gandhi. Specially, it is showing have nonviolence totally change the way that this important story in our history played out, and the person that Gandhi truly …show more content…

“Gandhi found another tool to use against the British, let’s look in on Gandhi in jail in 1932. When Gandhi was in prison, he fasted, or did not eat. His goal was to force Great Britain to let all Muslims and Christians be treated equally, and to gain India independence. The British did not want him to die. This is because there will be very large riots against Great Britain. People from all religions supported Gandhi. This is because he stood up for equality. At age 75, Gandhi is in failing health, but he still feels that his life goal is to create a equality for all people and religions. At 75, Gandhi is still in jail fasting for justice for all Indian people. Gandhi spend up to 21 days straight, fasting, standing up for what he thought was right. Gandhi was a very strong believer in nonviolent solutions. As I said earlier many of the world’s greatest heroes were also believers in nonviolent movements. He was one of the greatest people on this earth. He taught people in so many ways to have peace. We can all learn from his lessons. This is why his movement really and truly worked. One of Gandhi’s most famous quotes is, “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.