Maine Coon Vs. The Chihuas

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Millions of people from all over the world have a few or many furry or not so furry companions inside their homes whether it’s a leaping lizard, a ball of fluff gerbil or even a cute pink miniature pig, however, majority of the pet owners are dog lovers or cat lovers, therefore, the most common and most popular pet that people have inside of their homes are the adorable head tilting doggies or the intelligent furry feline cat. Cats and dogs are the most popular pets to this day and many years to come such as the Maine Coon and the Chihuahua, therefore, both of these pets have similarities and differences between them but what exactly is a Maine Coon and what exactly is a Chihuahua?
The Maine Coon cat is commonly known for its popular myth …show more content…

The Chihuahuas were first bred in Mexico and they are named after the state and city of Northern Mexico however the Chihuahuas are the only dogs that are native to North America. The Encyclopedia of Animals states that the “Chihuahuas are the only dogs native to North America and were first bred in Mexico.” The chihuahuas are typically five to six inches and they rarely to never weigh more than six pounds. In addition, the Chihuahuas have smooth, soft and short fur that is wavy, straight or a mixture of both, the colors of the chihuahua fur varies in color and pattern as well. The chihuahuas make good guard dogs for their homes and they make extremely good family pets because the Chihuahuas knows its place among other pets and owners too such as they see their owners as a part of the pack that’s dominant or in charge. Additionally, the Chihuahua cannot see in colors but they do in see in shades of grey but they do have a fantastic sense of hearing and smells, the chihuahuas communicate with other pets or owners by their facial expressions, the different types of noises they make and by their body …show more content…

The Maine Coon cat is loners which means they can spend long periods of them without getting lonely but they do like the attention however they like to spend the majority of their time sleeping, eating and bathing themselves while dogs need to spend a lot of time with their owners on a daily basis so that they don’t get lonely. The differences between Maine Coons and Chihuahuas is that cats see each other as equal to one another and dogs see each other as ranking such as the bigger dog or owner is above them and the smallest or weakest dog is on the bottom of the rank. Another difference between Maine Coons and Chihuahuas is that cats are considered more flexible, balanced and intelligent compared to dogs that are considered clumsy, hyperactive and they're not considered to be as intelligent as a cat. Maine Coons and Chihuahuas are very different from each other but both of them remain as the most popular pets to have inside one's home hence cats and dogs make great pets in many different