Major Depressive Disorder: A Literature Review And Self Reflection

1517 Words7 Pages

Major Depressive Disorder:
A Literature Review and Self-Reflection
September 11th, 2017
SSC 222 Abnormal Psychology
Professor E. Wiese
Word count:1472

Table of Contents
Literature Review……….……………………………………………………………………..4 Diagnostic Criteria……………………………………..4 Important Causal Factors…...…………..….…………..4 Differences Between Diagnosed People...……………..5
Discussion & Conclusion...……………………………………………………………………5
Reflecting on My Own Health………………………………………………………………...6 References……………………………………………………………………………………..8

Introduction Depression is a mental disorder that occurs quite often and everyone probably will or has experienced it in his or her life. Globally, over 300 million people suffer from this disease at this moment. It does not only affect those afflicted, but also their families, and society (WHO, 2017). Depression comes in different forms and types …show more content…

First, some forms of major depressive disorder are not included. People do not always seek help when experiencing symptoms of a major depressive disorder and therefore do not get diagnosed. Since there are many different forms of depression it is also possible that the depression is misdiagnosed resulting in exclusions or wrong inclusions in research when conducted with individuals who are diagnosed with a major depressive disorder. The researches conducted giving a questionnaire to, or interviewing an individual might not be completely accurate, since people could lie to come across in a more favorable light or not remember past events accurately. Future research could focus on factors that cause individuals not to seek help, including different age groups or a distinction between men and women. Another focus point could be to find a solution on treatment for a major depressive

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