Major Depressive Disorder Essay

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Major depressive disorder is where someone is not only sad, but feels tired all the time, is not motivated, has a challenging time getting out of bed, and can feel suicidal. Sometimes it can feel like there is a rock on someone’s chest and can make it hard to get out of bed, or brush teeth or even take a shower. Numerous people believe that having depression is just being gloomy, and while it does make individuals unhappy, it has a great deal of symptoms that are not talked along with it. It is also said that if someone looks happy that they cannot be depressed but in hindsight countless people mask it so that no one thinks that they have it. If someone is constantly melancholy looking and does not want to be around people, then people will …show more content…

Depression can affect various people, and while depression can stand alone it can also come with more. Lichtenberg (2010) stated, “Depression with anxiety, acute depression, depression after childhood trauma, depressive reaction to separation stress, postpartum depression, late-life depression, psychotic depression, atypical depression, bipolar depression, secondary to substance abuse or medical illness” (p. 133). Depression can come with so many different things, anxiety, bipolar, someone could also get it from drugs and different medications. If someone also has a chronic illness it can also make someone depressed, these people must deal with pain constantly. Depression can also come with side effects of distinct types of medication, which can be dangerous because if someone already has it taking medication that can amplify it can make some people commit suicide. Which is why it is important for doctors, guardians, and friends to watch over them if they start a new medication with these side effects. When someone takes drugs, it can have terrible side effects that can also lead to depression. Drugs effect everyone differently, it can make them anxious, depressed, can give them hallucinations and more. Depression can come from everywhere; it can run in the family, and it can just pop up. My sister has depression and anxiety, my mom and grandmother went through some depression …show more content…

There are countless distinct types of depression, and it came affect anyone. Talking to the right therapist can help a large number of people, talking it out can help some people get it off their chest. Doing hobbies can also help deal with stress and can help with anxiety. Getting diagnosed with depression does not change how someone is. When someone has depression the best thing someone could do is to be by their side and tell them how important they are, and how important they mean. Mental health is not something to talk about lightly, it affects great quantities of the population. It is also important to know the difference between being sad or being depressed, while someone can have a feeling of depression once and a while, and it does makes sense because every human feel sadness. Every human can have moments of depression and anxiety because everyone has emotions, everyone can show emotions several ways as