Major Events Of World War Two And Society Today

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World War 2 and Society Today

Intro Paragraph Winston Churchill once said “If you're going through hell, keep going” (n.d.). This quote is used to explain the brutality that people went through in World War 2. It suggests that you have to persevere through difficult times before you come out on top and maybe eventually, get to Heaven. WWII started on September 1, 1939 when Germany wanted to take over Europe to create more space for it’s people. The major events of this war are the holocaust, Hitler’s reign, Pearl Harbor, and D-Day. These events are critically important to study especially in today's society because some people are slowly forgetting about this war. WWII was devastating and traumatic because it ruined and ended …show more content…

As stated, “Adolf Hitler, the leader of Germany, wanted to take over Europe to create more space for the German people to live. At the same time, he wanted to rid the continent of people he considered inferior, including Jewish individuals” (2021, para.1). Adolf Hitler wanted to get more space, meaning that he had to invade other countries around Germany. First he invaded Poland and took it slow. Then Hitler invaded Denmark, Norway, Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and France. Finally, as Gale states, “The Pearl Harbor attack was a deadly sneak attack by Japanese forces on the US naval base in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, on December 7, 1941. President Franklin D. Roosevelt asked Congress to declare war on Japan the next day. As a result, the Pearl Harbor attack marked the United States’ entry into World War II (1939–1941) “ (2021, para.1). Pearl Harbor was another spark to the war. Because of Japan’s sneak attack, the United States declared war.. Both of those events helped create a war with allies and enemies. From these events, the whole World War started, resulting in pain and agony to many throughout the …show more content…

According to Gale High School “After the war, there was economic depression around the whole world” (2019, para. 1). After the wars that all of these countries went through, people and economies had to recover. From those battles, so many supplies were needed and were used. In the aftermath of WWII 2 big countries did rise in power, and those countries were the USSR and USA. Gale High School says “ The 4 outcomes of WWII are the four D’s, decentralization, demilitarization, denazification and democratization of Germany” (2021, para. 3). After what Germany did to start the war, these things, “the 4 D’s” needed to be taken away from them. This included Germany’s military, the Nazi party, totalitarian rule (to make it democratic), and opposing forces to their government (to make it not central). All of the wars can be taken away from, like D-Day, Pearl Harbor, and