Makes Me Wanna Holler By Nathan Mccall

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Makes Me Wanna Holler
The book Makes Me Wanna Holler is an autobiography by Nathan McCall.Nathan McCall grew up in pourtsmouth,Virginia. Nathan McCall was a smart kid growing up in a close protective family in a black working class neighborhood. The book is about Nathan McCall life and the decisions he made. Basically he grow up in the 1960 and 1970 where the most of black people had a few choices for a better future in the world.Nathan McCall grew up like a anger person because he didn’t like the way black people were treated by white people.Racism is the main issue in my opinion in this book.Racism in Nathan McCall's life is a problem for almost his whole life.Nathan McCall spend the majority of his life looking for a way to fit with white …show more content…

They were impressed about being in Cavalier Manor.Ther used to lived in a black people community where the appartments
Marquez 1 were like publik houses.Nathan started to see the difference of race when he was watching televicion.He started watching white people commercials like clairol hair coloring and he saw the difference od white and black people in T.V.Another incident was when one day Nathan was in the beach and he saw a little white girl standing nearby began covering her body with a pale, so he look at the girl and started imitated her.The little white girl look at him and …show more content…

Nathan mcCall did all those things because he grew up with bad influence.At the end everything that counts is that he become a better person.“A man don't always have to eat what he's standing life. If he wants, a man can fix a meal of his own

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