Maladies Lab Report

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AMITY INSTITUTE oF MICRoBIAL TECHNoLoGY AMITY UNIVERSITY UTTAR PRADESH NTCC oN HANDS oN VARIoUS PATHoLoGICAL TEST Submitted to Dr. DEVENDRA KUMAR Amity Institute of Microbial Technology Guided By:DR.MoHAN MEHTA Submitted By -RISHIN GUPTA Enrolment. No. A0989216009 TABLE oF CoNTENT 1. Declaration by the student 2. Certificate by the faculty guide 3. Abstract 4. Intro 5. Experiments ABSTRACT Demonstrative testing in labs is of incredible esteem while evaluating a patient with a speculated ailment. The outcomes can check an analysis, figure the illness seriousness, help in curing the infection and are valuable to take after sickness action. Parts of the research center exam in investigation of maladies essentially …show more content…

of these features/traits, timeliness is maybe the most important to the doctor who may be prepared to sacrifice quality for fasterturnaround time This preference drives much of the spread of point-of-care testing. People working in labs may disagree, arguing that unless analytical quality can be achieved, no other characteristics matter. tat is the most viewed sign of a servce and is used by mny to check the qualty of the labs. TAT is a source of complaints to the lab related to bad service and consumes time and effort from staff in complaint and service improvisation. Though inventions of new tech, transprt method many labs have difficulty improvng their tats. Emergncy department tats have not improved.In 1968 a mean of tats for 57min was reported, in 1972 a mean of 53 minutes was reported while in 1987 mean collection to report tat was 76 min for a chemstry panel. A Clg of USA Pathologists Q-Probes survey of showed low satisfaction rates concerning the sensitivity to urgent testing needs and meeting …show more content…

• Place one drop of of undiluted serum in each of the 4 circle and one drop of +ve control serum in each of the last 2 circle(5&6). • Place of drop of Ags “o”, “H”, “A(H)”, “B(H)” in cicle 1,2,3 & 4 respt. and “o” Ag in circle 5 and any one of the “H” Ags in circle 6. • Mix the content of each. • After 1 min. observe for agglutnation. If it is visible within 1 min. the test is+ve,proceed for quantitative slide test for determination of the level of appropriate ab. • If no agglutnation seen test is –ve. B. SEMI-QUANTITATIVE SLIDE TEST: • Clean the glass slide. • Place drops of undiluted serum in 1st ,2nd ,3rd ,4th and 5th circles respt. on the slide. • Add one drop of the appropriate Ag solution which showed agglutionation in slide test in each of the circle. • Mix the contents. • Rotate the slide carefully for the 1 min. and observe agglutnation. • The level of the Ab is very high dilution of serum to which there is clear agglutnation. RESULT: i. Agglutnation is +ve test result and if +ve reaction is seen within sample it indicates the +nce of clinically significant level of antibody in patient’s serum ii. No agglutnation is a -ve test result and indicate absence of significant level of antibody in patient

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