Malaria Disease Analysis

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Malaria is a very common disease affecting people all around the world. It has been a life threatening problem since 2700 BC. There are over 100 countries at risk for Malaria transmission, nearly half the world’s population, 3.3 billion. It is especially life threatening in Africa, where 20% of childhood deaths are due to malaria. Additionally, out of the 250 million cases each year, there are around one million deaths. Of these deaths, the majority are children under the age of five. Since Malaria was first discovered in 2700 BC, many efforts and advances have been made to help cure and treat this deadly disease. Malaria has been noted for over 4,000 years. The first mosquitoes with traces of Malaria were 30 million year old fossils preserved amber. Chinese medical writings also described characteristics of symptoms of the disease in the Nei Ching (The Canon of Medicine). …show more content…

Malaria is one of the most harsh health issues and is the leading cause of death and disease in many developing countries (CDC). A major factor is the death rate in recent years. According to World Health Organization, Malaria deaths reached 445 000 in 2016 out of a total of 216 million cases of in 91 different countries around the world. 216 million is an increase of 5 million cases over the timespan of one year in 2015, where there were 211 million cases. These numbers and statistics demonstrate how severe and detrimental this problem truly is. Another major problematic characteristic of Malaria are its’ severe symptoms. Symptoms usually begin to show a couple weeks after a patient is infected by the mosquito, the time in between is called the incubation period (CDC). These symptoms include a high fever, breathing difficulties, shaking and convulsions, chills, arthralgia, and myalgia (EMedicine). Arthralgia are the pains in your joints and myalgia are pains in your muscles. Less common symptoms include vomiting and