Malcolm X Impact On Society

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Malcolm X the voice that impacted black people’s lives forever. Not only helping them gain more respecting but helping by teaching them how to use their voice and their power. Making the community stronger and connecting them closer. Setting a strong example of an activist spreading their cause at a major college, like Harvard or Oxford, addressing the Organization of African Unity, and changing terms from “coloured” to “Black” and “Afro-American.” He’s so dedicated to looking out for his future community he made sure to not let the negative comments stop him from what’s been needed to be said. Both Jefferson and Malcolm X show the world the chain effect of speaking out for change, for freedom. Malcolm X not only just helped with giving oppressed …show more content…

As a Black Muslim in the 1950s-1960s he was severely risking his life just to help communities that needed help. “His mind became his most powerful weapon and that which the enemies of Black freedom feared most.”(Monteiro). Often gaining backlash from the government and from white supremacists, he stayed loyal to his one goal to help the world succeed even though he knew it was going to get him killed. He showed loyalty and how strong and selfless his soul is for his people. He connects so well with so many people inspiring them, because he grew up with a rough background and ended up growing and sharing his knowledge. Showing anyone can make a change leaving hope in others that grew up with a broken background too. Setting examples about how improvement and education is key. While he was in juvenile confinement he started reading and joined the Nation of Islam and years later joined Islam. He made sure he was heard from all by speaking in popular areas such as Harvard University and University of Oxford. Malcolm X is and will always be influential to the world, with his strong personality and …show more content…

Malcolm X has helped Black people connect with their identity and standards. The community is usually often hearing how they should be shunned out and discarded from society. Which was a cultural reset and a mind opener for the black community to fight for black empowerment. A clear example of how his legacy still lives strong is the many protests about black equality like the movement ‘Black Lives Matter’. When thinking back on the inappropriate ways non-black people referred to black people, Malcom X held a part in fixing it. He also taught others to address black people from, “coloured” to “Black people” and “Afro-American.” His ideas and hopes shine even today through protests and