Tom Joad And Malcolm X Comparison Essay

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Throughout history, there has been examples of individuals, real or fictional, who lead the struggle toward making the future a better one for their race or class. Two works of literature that serve as a great example of this struggle are the following: The Grapes of Wrath and The Autobiography of Malcolm X. These two literary classics portrayed two individuals, Tom Joad and Malcolm X respectively, who are so different, yet so alike when it comes to injustices. The similarities between the two main characters in each work are the following: they made do with whatever life handed to them; they were both incarcerated; both went through major personal changes; they both earned the awed respect of those around them; both owned up to their past; …show more content…

Since Tom’s social and political involvement increased, there was a shift in character. Before, Tom was only concerned on the present day, but he now begun to his character changed. Instead of being concerned about the present day, Tom decided to look forward to possibilities that the future will create. His developed maturity, changed in ideology, and his will to live his life for something greater is what earned him the awed respect of his family and his friends. Malcolm X’s ideology, which contrasted the nonviolent approach of Marin Luther King Jr, allow him to be considered the spiritual father among the African American community. His obsession with racial politics and his desire to fight for racial equality earned him respect. Both individuals completely agreed that their past decisions, whether good or bad, is what created the foundations of their persona. They owned up to their past without allowing themselves to be controlled by regret. In Malcolm’s case, he appreciated the skills that he gained in the ghetto. His life of hustling taught him the ability to survive in the American racist culture. This ability helped Malcolm in both stages of his