
Malcolm X Influence On Education

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Malcolm X, who was born in 1925, was an indigent and moral black African America who sacrificed his life fighting racial discrimination, slavery and oppression of his race. Malcolm’s desire was to free all black people from the government’s fetters. Malcolm X’s self-education made him valiant, courageous and ready to stand in the face of the devil. Moreover, Malcolm connected reading and writing to power and politics of his race and that’s what made him passionate about education, if he were to be alive today, in the era of television and social media, he would’ve also valued books at the same level he valued it in his era.

Racial discrimination is a social disaster that controlled the United States for many years. Malcolm X was one of the …show more content…

Malcolm’s love for education changed his entire life, and as he wrote in Prison studies “I knew right there in prison, that reading had changed forever the course of my life”. In addition, Malcolm’s commanding stage presence, quick wit, and erudition, combined with the authenticity of his experience as a street hustler, made him a remarkable orator. Furthermore, as the politicians nowadays become more selfish and fanatic, the government is becoming a field of war amongst religion and race. Despite the social media’s great job in enlightening ignorant communities about the relation of politicians with racial discrimination, and illiteracy.; many communities fail to see the truth behind the disasters surrounding them. For instance, the department of education in California reported that literacy rates for more than fifty percent of African American children in the fourth grade nationwide was below the basic skills level and far below average; and the main cause of this, is an irresponsible government filled with a ton of corrupted, nasty politicians running after their desires, ignoring the necessities of the indigent, helpless black man. As a result, Malcolm would’ve pursued one of his greatest dreams, which is living in a peaceful society, where man is judged for his ethics not for his race or religious beliefs. In conclusion, if Malcolm were to be alive today, he would’ve lead one of the biggest revolutions regarding the rights of black African Americans rights in the United

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