Malcolm X Term Papers

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Malcolm X’s autobiography was an intriguing story that touched on the complexities of identity, race, and social justice in America in respect to Malcolm X’s perspective and life. Before reading this text, I was unfamiliar with who Malcolm X was. Before reading this text, I knew he was a civil rights leader, but that was it. Little did I know how brave Malcolm X was, as well as controversial in some people’s eyes, for his unconventional civil rights leadership. Malcolm X was sometimes considered controversial, primarily due to his criticism of the mainstream civil rights movement. Unlike leaders such as Martin Luther King Jr., who emphasized nonviolent protests, Malcolm X advocated for black separatism and self-defense. Black separatism was …show more content…

Malcolm X promotes black empowerment and black self-determination. This is important to note because although some people did not agree with his ideals, he encouraged African Americans to take pride in their heritage and to stand up against racial oppression. Malcolm X also stressed the importance of education as a tool for liberation throughout his life. After his pilgrimage to Mecca and his break from the Nation of Islam, he underwent a profound ideological transformation. This was also important as a civil rights leader because after his break with the Nation of Islam he started to embrace a more inclusive vision of social justice. His speeches, writings, and organizing efforts have the ability to spark conversations about race, identity, and equality, which is one of the most important qualities of a civil rights leader. Malcolm X’s autobiography showcases self-discovery and self-reinvention. This is something I really resonated with because as the years pass within my life, I have realized there will always be room for improvement when becoming a better person. I found it extremely interesting that Malcolm X was born with the name Malcolm