Malemen Cases Of Child Abuse And Neglect

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Child abuse is any act which can result in death, serious physical or emotional harm, and sexual abuse. According to a report on child abuse in Ontario, one-third of males experienced physical abuse as a child (Maclean’s). Another source stated that in 2013 around 679,000 children were victims of abuse and neglect. Child abuse is more than just bruises and broken bones. Physical abuse may be the most visible, but emotional and neglect abuse will also leave deep and lasting scars. The earlier that an abused child gets help, the greater of a chance that they will have to heal and get over what happened. Thesis?
Child abuse falls down into multiple categories: emotional abuse, physical abuse, neglect and sexual abuse. Emotional abuse involves any attitude, behavior, or failure to act that interferes with a child's mental health or social development. Physical abuse is an injury resulting from physical aggression. Neglect is a pattern of …show more content…

Out of one to two million children abused every year in the United States, only half of the cases are reported to someone which is quite alarming. MaleMen cases are the most common cases to go unreported, and 11,000 of those cases are only reported because of the death of the child. The amount of child abuse is staggering to think about, let alone deal with. By the age of eighteen one in three girls will have been sexually molested and one in three boys will have been molested in that same age (Lesar 419) You failed to cite this on your works cited page.
Sexual abuse is one of the most confusing problems facing families. An overwhelming numberamount of children are abused by someone they know. Most people would agree that sexual abuse is a painful and traumatic event that tears families apart. Therapy for families who have been affected by child abuse can help the victim heal from the pain and find them places to help them rebuild their lives (Swan,