Managing Boundaries: A Case Study

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Chapter 7 discusses the Issues and Ethics that come along with Managing Boundaries and Multiple Relationships. In class, we discussed the questionable idea of whether it is ethical or not to participate in multiple and dual relationships within the therapeutic relationship with your client. This type of relationship entails having any other sort of relations with the client that is outside of the boundaries of the standard professional - client relationship. When professionals participate in the occupation of different non-professional and professional roles with a client, I believe boundaries start to become blurred and crossed even when it is unintended. If I were a counselor, I would abide by the rationale that lies behind the idea of abstaining from any boundary crossing or multiple relationships that can possibly arise and involve the exploitation of the client by the unintentional use the power that exists between the client and therapist. …show more content…

This sort of behavior becomes unethical when we are aware or unaware of it and the impact it has on our clients due to the differential of power. I believe by not engaging in multiple relationships I am establishing the appropriate boundaries that are required for effective and professional treatment; which is a core element in therapy. However, I do believe that in some situations, if it has a reasonable clinical justification, multiple and dual relationships (depending on the context of the situation) may often be normal (due to cultural), inevitable, unavoidable, and in some cases quite healthy for the