Manipulation In Animal Farm Essay

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What would the world be like if there was manipulation all across the country? What if no one had any idea what right and wrong should be like because people in power use them? In the novel Animal Farm by George Orwell,ignorance, manipulation, and power hoarding behavior were all factors leading to the downfall of Animal Farm. Manipulation had the biggest effect on Animal Farm because the pigs continued to threaten and trick the animals. The first point that proves this statement is that Napoleon and Squealer manipulated the animals to justify their actions and righteousness. When the animals find out that the pigs have been sleeping on beds . Clover confronted Squealer but Squealer retorted, “You would not rob us of our repose, would …show more content…

The pigs manipulate the other animals’ ignorance to gain control. Squealer lies to the animals when he explains that Napoleon’s decision to end the debates was actually to benefit the other animals. Squealer explains, “ Napoleon would be only too happy to let you make your decisions for yourselves. But sometimes you might make wrong decisions, comrades, and then where would we be?” (55). Here, Squealer has twisted the truth to make the animals think they aren’t capable of decision-making, which allows the pigs to corrupt the original purpose of the weekly Meeting. Squealer is talking about how much the pigs work compared to everyone else and that they didn't get much. The animals would always be told that the Pigs were doing more work which, “Squealer told them that the pigs had to expend enormous labors every day” (Orwell 129). Squealer is constantly reminding them how much the pigs work, and how much they dont get that much food either even in reality the pigs don't work that much and they always have a good meal. Animal Farm represents ignorance, manipulation, and power hoarding behavior which were all factors leading to the downfall of Animal Farm. Manipulation had the biggest effect on Animal Farm because the pigs continued to threaten and trick the