Manipulation In George Orwell's Animal Farm

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The society in the Animal Farm is one that manipulates and controls those with no power. This society is based upon the society from the Russian Revolution which shows how a community can be manipulated. By manipulating the animals Napoleon felt he could benefit himself more than the farm. George Orwell addresses how the animals are manipulated through fear and how they are afraid to question Napoleon to shift power.
Napoleon manipulates the animals of the farm and does so by leading through fear. Although their work was “strictly voluntary, any animal who absented himself from it would have his rations reduced by half.” (54). The animals fear that if they refuse to work they will starve. Even with the option to leave no animal dared disobey Napoleon. The farm “had come to a time when no one dared speak his mind, when fierce, growling dogs roamed everywhere” (78). Napoleon’s dogs struck fear …show more content…

“would have protested if they could have found the right arguments” (50). The animals had nothing to argue for because they had so little power. If they could have gained more support and courage then maybe they would have stood up to Napoleon. The animals listened to the pigs when they said that “milk and apples contain substances absolutely necessary to the well-being of a pig” (31). The animals failed to question that the pigs said they were more important but also said that all animals were equal. The pigs were manipulating the animals into giving away their own food and rations that they had worked for. The animals were told that Napoleon “would only be too happy to let you make decisions for yourselves” (50). The animals failed to see that they were being manipulated to think Napoleon was doing everything for them. Every animal always assumed Napoleon knew everything. The animals failed to shift the power of the farm and question Napoleon’s