Marbury Vs Madison Case Essay

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The Case, Marbury v. Madison was a milestone for the journey that the constitution takes throughout American History. This Case was one of the most important Supreme Court decisions in history. This all took place in 1803. John Adams was a from Massachusetts and Thomas Jefferson was from Virginia. The two were both colleagues and friends during the upbringing of the Republic even though they were both very different people. Their eventual falling out was unavoidable due to their differences. Jefferson served as Vice President for Adams when he served as President during the years, 1797-1801. Jefferson served as Vice President for Adams, even though they were from different political parties, because Jefferson received the second most electoral votes. Jefferson won the race for presidency against Adams in 1801, thus completing the termination to their friendship and causing them to become bitter rivals. In the final days of Adam’s presidential …show more content…

One of the things Marshal did in the decision was scold Jefferson and his cabinet. He did this by writing that Marbury was treated poorly because his commission was illegally retained and he should have been given it when asked for. Marbury won Jefferson and his cabinet, but there was much more to this decision. Chief Justice Marshall also decided that the Supreme Court did not have power in this Case. Marshall said that the law which expanded the Judiciary was unconstitutional. This established an example of Judicial review done by the Supreme Court. Section 7 of Article I of the Constitution gave the President the ability to veto a bill, but it also gave Congress the ability to discard the President’s veto. Marshall was the one who gave the Supreme Court the ability to discard laws that were passed by Congress and the President. This was implied in the Constitution. This is the only place in the entire Constitution that the abilities of Judicial review are talked