Marching Band Is Not A Sport Essay

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A sport is an “athletic activity that requires skill or physical empowerment”. What is a marching band then? People consider marching to not be a sport but marching too requires skill and physical empowerment just like any other sport. Just because people argue that band isn’t a sport because it's just holding an instrument and walking around. Being in a band is not just walking around and is not just holding an instrument, it gets deeper than that. Marching band requires a lot more than that physically and mentally.

A marching band is an outdoor group that has marching or other movements with musical performance. The band performs music including woodwinds, brass, percussion instruments, the music usually incorporates a strong rhythm.The band keeps time with a drum major who marks time by moving their arms to the beat. Marching band not only performs musical compositions, but also entertains with steps and movements depending on the music. After, usually, 3 months of practicing music and basic marching the band really gets deep into the show …show more content…

Why are these activities a sport and not marching? These spots are considered sports because of the dedication to maintaining health, fitness, strength and agility. Marching band has all of these things. Bands stretch, run laps, march forward and backwards which stretch and work out the calf muscles, shoulders, back, hips, balls of your feet, knees, and neck to mountain fit. They run. They have to do cardio to be able to get in shape to run their shows. Bands do physically work even if it’s not contact nor hitting its still physical