Should Video Games Be Considered A Sport?

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Throughout the decades, video gaming has evolved from the earliest game such as Pong which was a virtual tennis using simple 2D graphics to intense, strategic games such as League of Legends. In today's era, video games had become competitive with the assist of the internet, players are able to complete with a player from around the world. What started out as entertainment between one to two player, later became a multiplayer tournament with prizes up to millions of dollars. Video gaming can seen similar sports because the most of their concept are alike, although some argue they are not. Overall, video games should be considered a sport because it involves skills and strategy, there are tournaments, and it provide financial support. These reasons will be explained in the following paragraphs.
The first reason why video games should be considered a sport is because it requires the player to have a greatly amount of strategy and skills. Oxford dictionaries state that a sport is “An activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others for …show more content…

Esport which is known as electronic sport, it consisted of competitive gaming and also known for hosting the gaming tournament. “In 2014, Riot Games’ “League of Legends” world championship had roughly 27 million streaming views, more than the average viewership of individual games of the World Series and roughly the same as the number of people who tuned in for this year’s NCAA basketball final.” This shows that gaming possessed more audience viewer than a physical sport, itself. This result can be due to the generation constantly revolving around technology and the competitive atmosphere the tournament offer. In addition, there are strict rules that are similar to sports that teams must comply. As in the game Smite, some of the rules are