Should Esports Be A Sport Research Paper

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Should Esports be a Sport? Paroling thought the stadium people are booing at you. Why you well you just got your sports visa from the government. Guess what it’s for…. I bet you didn’t guess League of Legends. Why they are booing is because they don’t think gaming shouldn’t be a sport. Esports are a highly debated topic, but what is compotive gaming? Completive gaming is where you try to beat the other person or team. Esports should be considered a sport because it uses your mind and helps people fit in. Esports take stragie and uses your mind. In gaming many things happened at once. Listing your protitites and keeping track of many different queues is a good path to victory. Reporter Viramontes says, “Like all skill-based competition in society, video games have a sense of competitiveness that drives individuals to perform at their utmost ability” (Viramontes 1). Gaming like all sports is competitive. To be able to make a game competitive you need staige practice and skill. In a documentary call “The Hax Life” said, “… each prop player must be able to do hundreds of actions per minute (APM)” (Adjoyi 1). Esports take skill to succeed to in competitive play. To win an Esports championship you need over 300 APM. The …show more content…

A team of players is like a real knit machine, working like one giant hive mind. That takes great effort and team work to pull off. Jessica an Esports player says, “ ‘I get to be me and express myself as I am… Here everyone’s weird’” (Ravitz 1). Everyone one an Esports team is one of a group, like a sports team. Everyone is a valued part and respected for who they are. People like that work together to compeltet a goal. In an article it says “Last year’s League of Legends tournament peaked at 11.2 million viewers…” (Phan 1). The League of Legends (LoL) commutie is huge, while LoL is just one of the many games trying to become a sport. While the NFL finals on hit about 8 million viewers. But some people think