
Marching School Advantage

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Some people may argue that school is not necessarily a tool for learning itself, but a tool which teaches us how to learn. The intensive amounts of time spent working in and out of school is something that anyone can use to reach success in their life with the right approach. I’ve worked hard to make sure that this holds true for me as well. Courses such as band and calculus have taught me plenty about the subject matter. However, there’s a bigger picture. These academic and extracurricular classes teach students how to achieve their lifetime goals by completing tasks efficiently, managing their time well, and working with others. From owning a business to changing the world – our goals would be very difficult to reach without the knowledge and character that we develop in school. School is a wonderful opportunity to learn about the world around us. Nevertheless, students will find that they learn a lot about themselves in the process. I personally have always had the vision of playing an important part in the advancement of the human species. A career such as engineering is something I’ve seriously considered in that aspect. Thankfully, my courses in and out of school have pushed my life in the right direction. …show more content…

Marching band is an artistic, yet rigorous activity that requires commitment, unity, and countless hours spent rehearsing. Thanks to the colossal amounts of time I dedicate to my organization, I learn things more important than playing my instrument and performing our show -- I learn how to be a productive person. I couldn't do it without the teamwork skills that have been encouraged throughout the four years I've been a part of marching band. With skills such as these, I have a fighting chance of finding success in a field that can often require working with

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