Marco And Destiny Case Study

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This study follows to first year reading teachers into the classroom Marco and Destiny (both pseudonyms). Both teachers were trained thoroughly to assist struggling readers. The study begins with the challenges Marco’s faced. He was hired as a second grade teacher in an urban public school. Marco had to implement high-quality reading instruction to his class. However, he knew his students were reading on different levels. He had to find a way to implement the new curriculum but ensure the students would meet their end of year goals. Marco decided to collaborate with other grade level teachers, give pretest to his students before teaching the lesson to see which students would need additional help, screening assessments in phonemic awareness, letter-naming skills and word-reading skills. During the school year, Marco used ongoing assessment data to tailor his lessons to his student’s needs. He would also use the knowledge he gained during his teacher preparation years such as continual progress monitoring to make adjustments. With the strategies Marco applied he was able to see progress in his students reading abilities. Next the study follow Destiny was hired to teach second grade in a high poverty school. She was faced with not having up-to-date material to use in the classroom. She felt that there was not structure in the school and this could contribute to …show more content…

Both Marco and Destiny had guidance but they were able to use methods and strategies that were taught to them during teacher preparation and apply it to their situations. Marco and Destiny could have been easily discouraged to continue their teaching careers but decided to continue and help the students with the resources that were giving to them as well as redesign curriculums to better fit the students’ needs while meeting the state