
Marcus Cheerleader Research Paper

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Marcus Cheer Scholarship Essay

As a senior looking back upon my four years as a Marcus High School Cheerleader, I recognize that I have grown immensely as a person. I have discovered many qualities about myself, both positive and negative. This program has carved me into the woman I am today, and helped me to realize who I ultimately strive to become. In my years as a Marcus cheerleader, I have learned how to cope with stressful situations, manage my time wisely, and become a leader that all of my teammates can depend on. It is hard to believe I am approaching the end of my senior year in high school. It feels like just yesterday I stumbled through the doors of the tryout room with fear instilled on my face, not knowing what …show more content…

Learning to arrive early to every event and balance my social life is not an easy task. Before joining the program my freshman year, I was unaware of the expectations that would be placed upon me. The transition from having hours of free time to having a major time commitment was difficult. However, I have become aware of when it is appropriate to spend time with friends and loved ones, and when to be serious and complete the tasks at hand. On the morning of homecoming, a mandatory sign painting for the field house was assigned with a lenient deadline. I felt overwhelmed and stressed, not knowing how much time I would have to get ready. When the morning of homecoming came, we were all motivated to get the job done, so we finished quite quickly. I finished my hair and makeup, and stepped into my dress with time to spare; I had an amazing, stress-free night at homecoming alongside my friends. Being in the program for four years has not only created, but shaped my time management skills, as well as made me punctual and responsible. This skill will continue to help me throughout my schooling and my future …show more content…

Filling the role as a captain has made the greatest impact on the person I am today. Throughout the season, I faced difficult situations where I had to evaluate and decided with my fellow captain, what is the best solution we can present that will benefit our team. Resolving team disputes are the most challenging; Providing good communication, approaching the situation with optimism, and being the mediator is a hard task. Putting personal and past conflicts between teammates behind to ultimately dissolve the dilemma, while being sure to respect other beliefs is easier said than done. By being a captain, I have not only improved on becoming an admirable leader, but I have also excelled in communication skills, responsibility, and portraying an image for those younger to look up to. The leadership skills I learned will continue to guide me throughout my life and assist me with any challenge I

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